26. Jun 2024

Publication of the study design in the journal BMJ Open

The design paper of the BENTO study has been successfully published in the renowned journal BMJ Open. The BENTO study is a trial funded by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) that focuses on improving healthcare for patients with emphysema. The study is being scientifically managed and investigated by IHF GmbH - Institute for Myocardial Infarction Research.

A design paper provides a detailed description of the methodology, study design and objectives of a scientific study before it is conducted. It serves as the basis for conducting the study and ensures that all aspects are defined and documented transparently. By publishing the design paper, other researchers and the public can understand the scientific integrity and the planned course of the study.

The publication of the design paper at BMJ Open is a significant milestone and we welcome you to view the full publication to see more details about the trial's design, methodology and objectives:

Design of the multicentre randomised controlled BENTO trial to demonstrate patient-relevant benefit of bronchoscopic lung volume reduction using thermal vapour ablation in the German healthcare system for patients with upper lobe emphysema: a study proto… | BMJ Open

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